Strength Exercises

Exercise Guidelines

Strengthening of the musculature around the joint affected by OA has been proven to take pressure off of the joint and decrease pain. There are 3 levels of each exercise listed below. Begin with 2 sets of 10 of the intensity of your choosing and slowly work up to the next level. General muscle soreness after a day or two after working out is normal. Consult the soreness guidelines at the bottoms of the page for more details.

Ankle Plantarflexion
Level 1: Range of Motion, Level 2: Band Resistance, Level 3: Heel Raises

Hip Extension
Level 1: Range of Motion, Level 2: Ankle Weight, Level 3: Band Resistance

Hip Abduction
Level 1: Standing, Level 2: Clamshells, Level 3: Side stepping

Knee Extension
Level 1: Long Arc Quads, Level 2: LAQ with resistance, Level 3: Mini Squats

Knee Flexion
Level 1: Standing, Level 2: Standing with Weight, Level 3: Band Resistance

Level 1: Rows, Level 2: Rows with Bands, Level 3: Rows with Bands and Scapular Retraction

Cervical Retraction
Level 1: Seated, Level 2: Ball Resistance, Level 3: Ball Holds

Level 1: Bridge, Level 2: Bridge with Holds, Level 3: Bridge with Single Leg Kick

Soreness Rules Criterion from the University of Delaware

Level of SorenessAction
1. Soreness during warm-up that continues 2 days off, drop down 1 level
2. Soreness during warm-up that goes awayStay at step that led to soreness
3. Soreness during warm-up that goes away but redevelops during session 2 days off, drop down 1 step

4.Soreness the day after lifting (Not muscle soreness)1 day off, do not advance program to the next step
5. No sorenessAdvance 1 step per week or as instructed by healthcare professional